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© 2023 Emamuzo Okerri

Hocaha, Enyi Francis

Ema drastically reduces developer-designer frictions with his wonderful personality. He strongly contributes to the transformation of what could be an otherwise sketchy idea. Ema fills the blank and transforms sketchy ideas into a world-class experience. I strongly recommend.

Table of contents

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    Crafting a digital solution to increase visibility and customer engagement

    Through the strategic application of Human-Centered Design (HCD), In collaboration with a digital marketing expert, I led the design of a solution tailored to the business’s unique operations. The result: A 3% boost in customer engagement over a period of 2.5 months.

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    Improving customer retention rates for an e-commerce platform

    Working as the sole designer in a product team at ProDevs Outsourcing, I designed the mobile experience of a B2C e-commerce platform (Kusnap). Increased user retention rate by 8% and gained over 10k downloads on Android and iOS.

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    Movearound: A peer-to-peer car rental mobile application

    In collaboration with a product manager and a team of engineers, I led the design of a peer-to-peer car rental mobile app tailored to the unique challenges of the Nigerian market. The result: over 300+ downloads and a 75% sign-up rate within the first 2 months of launch.

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